If you’re working in the field, chances are we already have your record in our database. Click the Log In My Account > Create Account link and provide some basic information so we can find your record. Once we find your record, we will email you a link to log in. Follow the instructions in the email to log in the first time and create your password.
When you access your ORO account, we match your identity to a unique record in our database. There are tens of thousands of records in our database, so we ask for so much information to help find your personal record. The first time you access ORO, we need your full legal first and last name, physical home address and phone number, personal email address, and birth date.
We also ask for your middle name, ORO User Identification Number, CCD license number, CBR number, and the last five digits of your Social Security Number. These are all optional, but providing as much information as you can helps us find your record.
You need an email address of your own to access ORO. Signing up for an email address is easy. You may choose from a number of email account providers. A couple well known, free email account providers include Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.
Please note Hotmail accounts often have strict spam filters set up by default. We have found some Hotmail users are not able to receive confirmation and reset password emails. Contact Hotmail customer service to learn how to add the my.oregonregistryonline.org domain to your list of Contacts and safe domain names.
We’ll ask you to update your ORO enrollment information the first time you log in to ORO. We recommend you update the information every six months and whenever you have life changes related to the information in ORO. These may include a name change, a job or position change, or a change in your contact information.
It depends on whether or not you have already accessed your ORO account.
If you haven’t accessed your ORO account, first you’ll need to click the Log In My Account link and provide some basic information so we can find your record in our database. Once we find your record, we will email you a link to log in and create your personal password.
If you have accessed your ORO account but forgot your password, click the menu item Login--My Account and select the Forgot Password? link and follow the instructions provided. We will email you a link to log in and create a new password.
No, do not share your log in information with others and you should never access someone else's account. Doing so breaks the Terms of Service agreement and puts you in jeopardy of losing access.
There are two types of employment records: verified and self-reported.
Verified employment is reported to the Oregon Registry by the Early Learning Division's Office of Child Care and is part of the licensed facility information. You can't update these records in myORO. To make changes contact either your director, your Licensing Specialist or the OCC directly (1.800.556.6616).
Self-reported employment is what you have reported as your employment, either on an Enrollment Form or what you have entered into myORO. You can update this information in myORO.
Hotmail often has strict spam filters set up to screen out email. We have found the emails may not even show up in your Junk folders. You can contact Hotmail customer service to learn how to add the my.oregonregistryonline.org domain to your list of Contacts and safe domain names.
A link that may be of use: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/answers?tId=377a9bf3-7975-4d76-a6eb-04dcc6d68097