These are the hours required by the Department of Early Learning and Care's Child Care Licensing Division (DELC-CCLD) to maintain a facility’s license.
If you are linked to a licensed facility by the DELC-CCLD, go to the Enrollment > My employment tab. You will see a breakout of total training hours for the current licensing period for each facility. The columns will be labeled with: Child Development, Safety Set and Other. If you are NOT linked to a facility you will not see any information on the “My Employment” page in myORO.
Youtube video link: https://youtu.be/HETr8tOC084
The annual training hours in myORO is a tool to help track your training hours for licensing compliance purposes. It helps you to be proactive about sending in training, recognizing when training hours are posted, and gives you the ability to plan how many additional hours are needed to fulfill the licensing renewal requirements.
The annual training hours in myORO are updated in real time, assuming new training has been submitted and processed to contribute to the total number of hours.
The PDS is a summary of all training and education submitted to ORO. The annual training hours are a calculation of hours which will count for a current licensing period. These are hours taken within the facility’s licensing period. Refer to the PDS to ensure Safety Set trainings (First Aid, CPR, Food Handler’s, RRCAN) are complete and current.
The training hours you see in myORO should be the same as the SQTL. An example of when the hours would not match is when an SQTL report was printed before training hours were added to your account. The SQTL is updated nightly.
Training hours requirements will vary according to facility type, position, and hire date. For specific questions about licensing requirements, please ask your Director, refer to the Office of Child Care Rules or contact your Licensing Specialist.
According to OCC Certified Center Rules, any training that is categorized by the following Oregon Registry core knowledge categories will count toward Child Development:
• Diversity
• Families & Community Systems
• Health, Safety & Nutrition (except Safety Sets)
• Human Growth & Development
• Learning Environments & Curriculum
• Observation & Assessment
• Special Needs
• Understanding & Guiding BehaviorThe final two categories always count toward Other:
• Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
• Program ManagementYou can view the Annual hours for each facility you are linked to on the Employment page.
Definitions of Core Knowledge Categories and how they match OCC categories can be found on the “Core Knowledge Category Definitions” document on the OCCD website: https://www.pdx.edu/occd/oregon-registry-educators/#resources.